

At CollageDepot, your privacy is highly valued. To fully benefit from our service, we need certain information from you. In this privacy policy, you can read how we handle this data and why. Read this privacy policy for more information. Our Terms and Conditions also apply to your use of our Services. By reading this privacy policy, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the practices described herein. This privacy policy can be updated at any time, so we invite you to regularly check and read it.

Scope of the Policy

This policy covers how we handle personal information that has been collected and received. Personal information is information that indicates your identity, such as your name and email address, and is usually not openly available. By using our website, you agree to the collection and use of your personal information as outlined in this privacy policy.

Collection of Information

At CollageDepot, we strive to provide you with a safe environment to upload, share, and order photos. The photos you upload to our site are generally protected with a password linked to your account and are not accessible to anyone else.

We collect your information in various ways: when you register on the Site and provide your personal data, or when you use one of our Services on our Site. Personal information may include information such as name, address, email address, phone number, date of birth, and any other information that can personally identify you.

When you place an order through our site, you must provide personal information such as your name, address, and billing details so that we can process your order. We may also ask for information when you report an issue or problem with our Site. If you communicate with us via email, we may keep that correspondence.

When you are asked for personal information on our site, you only share that information with us and our affiliated companies. We collect personal information when you purchase something from us and when you use our services, as well as information about completed transactions.

Use of Personal Information

Your data is generally used for the following purposes:
• For administrative use
• To fulfill your orders
• To improve our site and services
• To communicate with you or contact you

User Account Preferences

You can edit or delete your account on our Site at any time. You also have the option to unsubscribe from receiving commercial emails from us by unsubscribing from our emails. We can still send you certain administrative messages by email, which you cannot refuse.


We use cookies to optimize our service to you. Cookies are small text files that store and retrieve information about your visit to our website. This way we can recognize and remember you. This text file is sent to the browser you are using and stored on the hard drive of your computer, tablet, phone, or any other device with which you visit our website.

We use cookies to ensure that you can use our website with all its functionalities on any device and to provide you with the best experience. This includes the use of cookies necessary for the operation of our website, as well as other cookies. When you give permission for the placement of cookies, these are also used to personalize the advertisements and services for you. We do not store sensitive data in the cookies, such as credit card details.

What type of cookies do we use?
• Essential cookies
• Analytical cookies
• Tracking cookies

We may set access-cookies on your computer. When you use our website, it uses cookies to distinguish you from other users. In some cases (if available and appropriate), we may also use cookies so that you don't see unnecessary advertisements or so that you're not asked to log in more often than necessary for security.

With the help of cookies and our website log files, we can calculate the total number of website visitors and which parts of the site are most popular. This helps us to collect feedback, so we can continually improve our site and serve our customers better. Cookies do not allow us to collect personal information about you and generally, we do not store any personal information that you provide in your cookies.

We allow other companies to place cookies on your computer. The use of cookies by other companies falls under their own privacy policy, not under this privacy policy. Advertisers or other companies do not have access to our cookies.

You can use your browser settings to change your preferences regarding the management of cookies placed on your device. Please note that if you do not accept cookies being placed on your device, access to certain features on our website may be denied and/or the functionality of our website may be limited. If you want to manage your cookies, you can usually find this option in the settings menu of your browser.

IP addresses

We may collect information about the IP addresses of visitors to estimate the total number of visitors from certain geographical areas. If this is available, we can adjust the advertisements to your geographical area or other information from your IP address. Collected information from IP addresses can also be passed on to advertisers.

Release of Information

CollageDepot does not rent, sell, or share your personal information with others or with unrelated companies, except for the provision of products or services you have requested.

We may share information about you if CollageDepot is acquired or merges with another company. In that case, we will inform you before your information is passed on and falls under a different privacy policy.

We believe it is necessary to share information for research, prevention or taking action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations with potential threats to a person's physical safety or violations of CollageDepot's terms of use.

Request to delete data

You can send a request to delete the data that CollageDepot has collected from the customer by email to

Changes to this privacy policy

We will notify you of significant changes in how we process personal information by sending a message to the primary email address specified in your CollageDepot account or by placing a prominent notice on our site.

© CollageDepot 2024.

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